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SSD жесткий диск SATA2.5" 240GB TLC SA400S37/240G KINGSTON

Код товара: 539630
2 536,34
Артикул: SA400S37/240G
Incredible speeds plus rock-solid reliability.
Kingston’s A400 solid-state drive dramatically improves the responsiveness of your existing system with incredible boot, loading and transfer times compared to mechanical hard drives. Powered by a latest gen controller for read and write speeds, this SSD is 10x faster than a traditional hard drive for higher performance, ultra-responsive multi-tasking and an overall faster system.
Also more reliable and durable than a hard drive, A400 is built with Flash memory. There are no moving parts, making it less likely to fail than a mechanical hard drive. It’s also cooler and quieter, and its shock and vibration resistance makes it
ideal for notebooks and other mobile computing devices.


Объем ssd240-256GB
Обьем накопителя SSD240GB
Интерфейс. Наличие SATA 3.0Yes
Тип флэш-памятиTLC
Скорость записи350
Скорость чтения500
Толщина диска7mm
Размер100.0mm x 69.9mm x 7.0mm
Количество в упаковке10
Вес без упаковки0.04
Parameter Level3
Время наработки на отказ1000000
Габариты13.5 × 7 × 20 см
Вес0.08 кг

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